Niche Failure

Niche Failure

When folks ask, “What do you do?” I typically have to respond with, “Depends on what you are asking.”

First and foremost I am a wife, a daughter, and a friend.

After that, it opens up a little bit. 

I work with my husband and a team of super professionals assisting major manufacturer car dealerships move their inventory and engage with their customers.

I am studying hard to finally fulfill my dream of participating in academia. There, I am senior undergrad studying Literature at Georgia Southern University’s Honor College. 

I am a creative. I always have a book to read, a story to write, thoughts to share. This idea of creativity spills over into some of my other favorite things like food, drink, and travel. 

For years I have attempted to find that thing that many professional coaches, business mentors, strategist and the like insist is key to success – a niche; that focused lane of specialization that becomes the touchpoint of your message. It has become apparent that my niche has been being a failure at finding my niche. It has become so exhausting that just saying the word feels tedious. 

So, I have decided to quit. Instead, I offer the fullness of one woman’s life experiences through a series of sometimes unrelated, occasionally random, not always well prepared, obviously haphazard juxtaposition of ideas, reflections, questions, epiphanies, and appreciations (I also reserve the right to the occasional rant). 

If you have had the opportunity to listen to the podcast, you’ll hear my cohost and I briefly go through the three pillars we decided to build that show on – excitable, epicurean, and educated-ish. My first undertaking will be to explain to you what those words mean to me: both in context of myself and in connection and relationship with others. 

If you haven’t, or if you’d just like to get to know me a little better – click on my LinkTree, it’ll all be there.  

Lastly, but probably most importantly, I really hope you’ll put yourself in the conversation. As much I as love to talk (ask my husband!) I am really looking forward to talking with you!

Until next time 



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The Bitches
Contact The Bitches:
(912) 521-4833
Richmond Hill, GA
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