Penelope Bourbon at Proof Club

Penelope Bourbon at Proof Club

Hey y’all! 

If I haven’t mentioned it yet, one of the best ways to learn more about whiskey is to find a club. We have a great one in Savannah. We meet once a month and it is always a good time. 

The staff is outstanding. They know a thing or two about a thing or two and couldn’t be nicer or more fun to hang out with.

The members are the shit. Various backgrounds, demographics – the works. Interestingly (and encouragingly) women are well represented. 

There. Are. Snacks! 

There is a new cocktail and whiskey line up every month. I wish I could tell you what the cocktail was last night – I cannot. It was more than three ingredients, had an uncommon name, and was crazy sweet. I don’t have room in my brain for all of that. 

I do, however, remember the whiskey – it was Penelope night!

Oh Penelope, how do I love thee, let me count the ways. Well, it used to be only one one – the Penelope Four Grain Straight Bourbon Whiskey. That stuff is keep on your bedside table, drink it out of the bottle good – ask my husband. I’ve meant to try the other varieties, but I just keep going back to this one. 

That’s where The Proof Club steps in and saves the day. Last night they had:

The overall review is good, but there were a few things I would have done different.

First, I would have skipped the cocktail. It was so sweet that I am certain it affected the bourbon tasting. 

Next, I would have altered the tasting order. They were offered:

      1. Architect
      2. Barrel Strength
      3. Four Grain

I think they would have been better represented if they had been ordered by proof:

      1. Four Grain (80)
      2. Architect (104)
      3. Barrel Strength (115.2)

 It is tough to appreciate the subtle comfort of the Four Grain after your face has been blown off by the Barrel Strength. 

Lastly, there was an opportunity to try the Toasted Series, but somebody mucked that up. I don’t know who and I don’t know why, but it was disappointing all the same. 

That said, the whole of the evening was a booming success.


  • There is a rumor of an upcoming event hosted by Bourbon & Blues. I would suggest following their Facebook page as well. 
  • We are scheduled to record Saturday.
  • We booked a few guest spots and are ready to book some more if youre interested.
  • I’m still working and I will keep you posted.


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The Bitches
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